Upcoming Events at EC SARBI
EC SARBI Summer Events
We have something on every week at EC SARBI all summer long - bowling, bbqs, hot dog roasts, golf cart rides, and more! If you want to join in on the fun, give us a call to sign up - the more, the merrier!
ABI Drop In Program
Stop in anytime for a few hours of recreation and good company! Play a boardgame, cards or take a swing at our Wii system. Love puzzles? So do we! We go bowling several times a year - come join in on the fun. Meet some new people and make some new friends. The coffee is always on at EC SARBI!
For more info, call 306.327.4595.
Monthly Sing-a-long
Once a month, we have a gathering of local musicians (including some of our clients) at our facility and we have a sing-a-long. Everyone is welcome, whether you can play 10 instruments or can't carry a tune in a bucket - stop in for some music and merriment! The next one is Thursday, April 13 at 10:30 AM.
Stroke Support Group
Coming soon! Check back for details.