What is EC SARBI?
East Central Saskatchewan Association for the Rehabilitation of the Brain Injured Inc. was established in 2003 in Kelvington, Saskatchewan. We are proud to be the only rural acquired brain injury (ABI) rehabilitation centre in Canada. We currently serve the needs to persons with ABI from within a 100 kilometre radius of Kelvington. Our services are free and we have an open referral process, which means that anyone can refer a client - even the survivor themselves!
What does EC SARBI offer?
We provide rehabilitation therapy programs that are individually designed for survivors of acquired brain injuries. Client programming includes physiotherapy, speech and language, cognitive and memory, occupational and recreational therapies.
A vital part of our program is social interaction and recreational activities both at our facility and in the community. Throughout the year, we attend and host social events such as coffee outings, barbecues, holiday celebrations, bowling, golf cart rides and musical performances. Our goal is to facilitate as much quality of life as possible for our clients.
Rehabilitation programs are designed and reviewed annually or as needed by professional therapists and consultants after a thorough individual assessment. Under the guidance of our staff and volunteers, clients carry out their exercises in a safe, positive, and caring environment. Clients and/or caregivers, along with the help of our staff, set the client’s desired goals; the therapy reflects the required abilities in order to achieve these goals. Caregiver support is also a large part of the service offered.
We welcome all volunteers who are interested in or care about those who have sustained brain injury due to falls, accident, trauma, stroke, tumor, fever, coma, or innumerable other causes.
Download a copy of our brochure: